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Curriculum Based Sessions


In these sessions we incorporate seasonality, which is a requirement of the government’s curriculum guidelines.

We discuss where food comes from and how it is grown, and children learn the skills that are required for children at Key Stage 2, including balanced diets and planning meals.

This involves maths, English and science, and allows the children to be creative, opening their minds to new foods and learning where their food comes from.

The sessions are specifically designed for each school as we enjoy including other relevant topics the classes are working on, such as World War 2 meals.

How this works

The Adventurous Kitchen can be contacted by schools or we can contact the school to arrange a meeting with the Design Technology lead or headteacher to discuss what outcomes the school would like.

We also discuss what facilities are available at each school and how we will run our sessions.

Following the meeting we will submit a proposal including prices and a suggested timetable.